Camping is an activity that can be done with the whole family. It is a time when people break away from their busy lives to spend some time out in nature either sleeping in a tent or in a motorhome/ caravan. Although camping is an inexpensive way of living, you do need to be prepared with the basics such as having food and water. Getting good camping gear is another must-have as these affect the way you experience your outdoor activity. Some items can be heavy and weigh you down, other items can be too expensive to use when out camping. We’ve compiled a list of the best funny camping t-shirts for you.
Why Do People Love Camping Shirts?
People like light cotton t-shirts as they are very loose fitting and do not stick to your body, tight t-shirts however will leave you feeling uncomfortable and hot and sweaty.
The materials used in camping shirts have been developed to help retain the moisture that campers will experience by sweating. Microporous laminates, microporous coatings, and monolithic membranes have been developed to help allow water vapor to escape while preventing moisture from settling in the skin. The monolithic technology is best used as it absorbs water vapor into itself while using body heat to dissipate the vapor. This is a cooling system that is great for the outdoors.
10 of The Best Funny Camping Shirts for Men
Getting good quality t-shirts is a must-have when packing for a camping trip. You need items that are lightweight, durable, and easy to dry. These funny camping tees are made to add extra fun when out camping. Here is a list of the best funny slogan camping shirts for men.

1. “Stress is caused by not camping enough”
This camping t-shirt is made from solid colors and is 100% cotton, Heather Gray:90% Cotton, 10% Polyester, and is machine washable. It is also a lightweight classic fit and has double-needle sleeves and a bottom hem.

2. “This job thing is sure messing up my camping career”
This t-shirt is made from a premium and super soft cotton blend making it a lightweight, stretchy, and breathable t-shirt. These have great features such as reflective strips for greater visibility on low light runs and have stretch-mesh underarms and back panels for ventilation. Available in a variety of colors, this t-shirt is great for those evenings around the campfire.

3. “Making memories, one campsite at a time.”
This t-shirt is made from 100% Polyester and has a pull- closure. It is also machine washable and is tagless or can easily be removed with a tear-away tag. A rapid-dry t-shirt with interlocking jersey knit wicks that keep moisture away by keeping you cool and comfortable. It also has advanced odor protection technology that attacks odor-causing bacteria. It also has a UPF rating of 50+ for protection against harmful UV rays. This t-shirt has set- in- sleeves and a ribbed crew neck that keeps it in shape wash after wash. Machine washable with cold water and like colors. Cool iron is needed and tumble dry on low.

4. “Home is where you camp.”
This t-shirt is available in solid colors and is 100% Cotton; Heather Gray: 90% Cotton and 10% Polyester, All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester.
It is machine washable and is a lightweight, classic fit t-shirt which has a double-needle sleeve and bottom hem.

5. “I’m not always grumpy, sometimes I’m camping.”
This t-shirt weighs 4.2 oz. and is made from 100% heirloom combed and ring spun cotton.
It has double-needle stitching throughout and has a seamless collar with a heat transfer label and is taped shoulder-to-shoulder. The Polyester Spandex added into this t-shirt is quick-drying and ultra-soft with a natural feel.

6. “If camping can’t fix it, it’s a very serious problem.”
This t-shirt is made from 100% cotton, sport gray is 90% ringspun cotton, and 10% Polyester. It also has a dark heather one which is 65% polyester and 35% cotton. It is pre-shrunk, has shoulder-to-shoulder taping, and is quarter-turned to avoid a crease down the center. The double stitching on the neckline and sleeves adds more durability to the t-shirt.

7. “I don’t need therapy; I just need to go camping.”
This t-shirt is handmade with cotton and heather. It weighs 4.2 oz. and is 100% airlume combed and ring-spun cotton. There is double-needle stitching throughout and has a seamless collar and has a heat transfer label. It is also taped shoulder- to- shoulder. This t-shirt needs to be washed inside out in cold water.

8. “May the forest be with you.”
This t-shirt is also handmade using cotton. It needs to be washed inside out in cold water and weighs between 5-3 ounces. This is a heavyweight classic tee that has a taped neck and shoulders, with a tearaway label.

9. “Camping makes me happy, you not so much.”
This t-shirt is soft and is made of durable cotton fabric and has a double-stitched neckline and sleeves. Made from 100% ring-spun cotton and is pre-shrunk with shoulder-to-shoulder taping and is quarter-turned to avoid creasing down the center.
Designed to be extra comfortable with a crew neck that is nonrestrictive and has short sleeves to allow free-flowing movement. The unique t-shirts are tag-free and are a lightweight design.

10. “Be Brave, Run Free and Stay Wild”
This t-shirt is handmade and is made in solid colors. They are made from 100% combed and ring-spun cotton. Heather colors are 52% combed and 48% ring-spun cotton or polyester. It has shoulder taping and is side-seamed with a tear-away label. It needs to be washed inside out on the delicate cycle.
The Best Fabrics Used in Camping Shirts
There are a lot of aspects that go into getting a high-quality t-shirt, especially for outdoor activities. Poplin is the most popular shirt fabric that is a plain weave fabric that is smooth and cool and very breathable that has a crisp feel. To find a good poplin, the quality will have superfine tightly woven, high-quality fabric. It is however very thin and can be transparent but is a lightweight material that makes it advantageous for camping and hiking.
Twill is another fabric that is used in camping t-shirts. They are very soft to the touch however they are heavier than other fabrics. This fabric is very durable and strong, they are easy to iron and are resistant to wrinkles. Flannel is great for those winter t-shirts if you should spend days camping or out in nature. These t-shirts can be either 100% cotton or a blend of cotton/wool that gives a warm and soft feeling to your t-shirts. Flannel is also called brushed cotton after you remove any lint and fibers. Made for the outdoors as it gives off a very casual vibe.
Which Shirt Do You Like Best?
This article dives into the best fabrics that are used to make camping shirts as well as discusses why people love camping t-shirts and then we list the top 10 best funny camping t-shirts. We offer funny outdoor shirts that are made to last and make camping more comfortable and enjoyable. Be sure to check out our website on getting these cool t-shirts to rock on your camping outings.